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Elizabeth Mulcock, High School Resource Room Aide and After School Program Assistant
Tell us about yourself.
I grew up here in northern New Jersey where my family and I all attended Eastern Christian. I graduated from EC just a few years ago and then went to Calvin College in Michigan. While growing up, I enjoyed drawing and spending time with my sisters and friends. I am a member of Covenant CRC and love helping out in many of their ministries. A few activities I love to do in my spare time include reading, taking pictures, spending time with my many pets, and going on adventures with family and friends.
How did God bring you to work at EC?
I graduated from Calvin College this past May with a degree in Elementary and Special Education. While pursuing my degree I spent some time teaching 5th grade in a Christian school in California and also spent some time teaching in an elementary school resource room in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have also aided for a few months in a first grade classroom and in a transition center. This is a program which provides students with disabilities the tools they need to learn life skills and transition from high school to the adult world. Once I graduated from Calvin, I started looking for a job. I noticed positions available at EC and thought it would be great if I could return back to EC as a teacher.
What sets EC apart?
After graduating college this past May I really wanted to find a job in a Christian school where I could share my faith and where they really cared about the students. I loved being a student at EC where the teachers put a lot of effort into caring about their students and I knew it would be amazing if I had the opportunity of returning as a teacher, so that I could have the chance to bless and encourage students the same way my teachers helped me. God has answered my prayers and has blessed me with the opportunity to start my teaching career in the wonderful community which is Eastern Christian.